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Sex crimes criminal defense lawyer Christopher Dorado is among SoCal's top-rated sex crimes criminal defense lawyers.


Attorney Dorado is a highly experienced and one of the most successful trial lawyers in So Cal., with a focus on felony and misdemeanor sex crimes criminal defense in San Bernardino, Riverside, Orange & Los Angeles Counties.


With a provable winning trial record, and over 1,500 criminal cases completed since 2009, attorney Dorado aggressively and successfully defends against the toughest felony and misdemeanor sex crimes criminal allegations.


These tough-to-defend felony and misdemeanor sex crimes include allegations that are supported by defendant's alleged "confession;" allegations supported by scientific evidence, and even crimes supported by alleged multiple witnesses to the alleged sex offense.


These felony and misdemeanor sex crimes include:



For a free and discreet consultation with an award-winning sex crimes criminal defense lawyer, contact attorney Christopher Dorado today.


Attorney Dorado aggressively fights to protect your freedom through every step of the criminal process, from early stages (police interview, warrant recall, defense investigation, bail hearing, arraignment, and more), through later stages if necessary (trial, appeal, expungement, probation violation, terminate sex offender registration), and more. Call Now!



More on Sex Crimes Criminal Defense....


It is a fact that sex crimes criminal charges are among the most complex and emotionally involved cases in the entire criminal justice system. Sex cases often involve protected reports from Child Protective Services (CPS), novel scientific evidence, unidentified witnesses, sealed search warrants, biased jurors, adverse expert witnesses (doctors, therapists, psychologists), and complex sentencing structures. Consider the following:


Specialized Evidence: Sex crimes incorporate evidence that is relatively unique to criminal cases, such as the use of pretext phone calls, forensic child interviews, polygraph exams, forensic electronic tracing, forensic medical and psychological reports, sealed warrants, cross-agency witness reports (CPS, Family Law Court, etc.,), and more.


Forensic Interviewing: Making the defense of sex crimes more complicated is the fact that statements from alleged sex crime victims are often the unreliable product of improper and biased questioning by non-experts, such as well-meaning friends and family, who use suggestive and compound questioning that can create false, embellished, or adopted memories in a young mind.


In fact, it is not uncommon for a highly impressionable child to give vastly different versions of the same alleged event to parents, police, doctors, CPS investigators, forensic interviewers, family law mediators, and lawyers.


Seasoned Prosecutors: Sex crimes are prosecuted by seasoned, high-ranking, district attorneys, who are competent trial lawyers themselves. These experienced and competent district attorneys belong to an elite “special victim’s unit,” usually by merit. Only experienced sex crimes defense attorneys should be used to defend against these high-level and experienced district attorneys.


Greater Prison Penalties: Sex crimes carry longer jail, prison, and probation sentences and the defendant is usually ordered to serve a much higher percentage of incarceration after a sex crime conviction than he or she would otherwise be ordered to serve for a non-sex crimes offense. In fact, incarceration for a felony sex crime must be served in a California state prison, as opposed to a local county jail, and no part of that prison sentence may be split or suspended. Also, consecutive prison sentencing, as opposed to concurrent prison sentencing, applies to most California sex crimes. This is in addition to the ‘one strike’ sentencing rule that can create a life sentence for the most serious of sex crime offenses.


Sex Offender Registration: Most convicted sex offenders are required to register as a sex offender with local law enforcement in California (PC290). It is vital that a sex crime defendant secure an attorney who is familiar with the best options, and the legal processes, for avoiding sex offender registration.


Complex Laws: There are hundreds of special laws and legal procedures that apply only to sex crimes, such as special rules that apply to demurrers (dismissal of the criminal case), plea bargaining, probation limitations, expungement limitations, diversion limitations, and more.


Defense Limitations: Sex crimes have limitations with the use of otherwise typical defenses and post-conviction relief options, such as the defense of statute of limitations, coerced confession, entrapment, consent, intoxication, diversion, expungement, certificate of rehabilitation, and more.


High Bail Amounts: The sex crimes defendant is often fighting his or her sex case from jail as bail is generally set so high in sex crimes cases that the defendant cannot afford to bail out of jail during the pretrial stages. This means the defendant needs an attorney with knowledge of the specific arguments that work in sex crimes cases to better secure an out-of-custody status during the pretrial stages.


Other Penalties: Other common direct and indirect penalties associated with sex crimes include criminal protective orders against the defendant, restitution, fines, court fees, loss of a professional or occupational license, loss of immigration status (for non-U.S. citizens), loss of school benefits and enrollment, possible loss of civil liberties (firearm ownership, voting, jury service), listing as a child abuser under California’s Child Abuse Central Index (CACI), civil lawsuits, military service consequences, conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude, and even restriction on where the defendant can live.


Attorney Dorado has defended, and prevailed, against the toughest sex crimes cases, including cases where the district attorney used the defendant’s confession, multiple adverse witnesses, adverse DNA findings (semen, hair, blood), failed polygraphs, adverse photograph or video evidence, adverse electronic evidence (cell phone, computer, social media posts), adverse medical expert or forensic child psychologist’s reports, adverse witness-corroborating physical injury evidence, and more. Attorney Dorado has successfully negotiated no jail time offers for every type of sex crimes, including serious and violent felonies, such as lewd and lascivious acts upon a minor (PC288(a)).


If you or a loved one is charged with a sex crime, or if you are interested in post-conviction relief, such as withdrawing a guilty plea, criminal appeal, terminating a sex offender registration, probation modification, expungement, or probation violation, call sex crimes criminal defense lawyer Christopher Dorado today for a free consultation!




Sex Crimes Criminal Defense Lawyer, PC 288, 288.7, PC288(a), PC288.5(a)-F, PC311.1, PC 647, PC 261.5(c), PC 314, Lewd and Lascivious Acts on a Minor under 14, Sexual Battery, Indecent Exposure, Annoy or Molest a Minor, Possession of Child Pornography, Statutory Rape, Rape, Sexual Penetration, Oral Copulation, Rialto, Redlands, Rancho Cucamonga, San Bernardino, Ontario, Victorville, Chino, Yucaipa, Fontana, Riverside, Moreno Valley, Penalty, Punishment, Sentence, PC290, Sex Offender Registration, California, Sentence, Jail, Prison, Immigration, Sex Crimes Criminal Defense Lawyers
PC288, PC288(a)-F, PC288.5(a)-F, Lewd and Lascvious Act, Sexual Battery, Indecent Exposure, Soliciting Prostitution, Annoy or Molest a Child, Statutory Rape, Rape, Possession of Obscene Material, PC 288, PC, Penal Code, 287, 289, Failure to Register as a Sex Offender, PC 290, Removal From Sex Offender Website, Tier System, Attorney, Lawyer, law, legal, sex crimes defense lawyers, pc 314, 243.4, 261.5, 261.5(c), 647.6(a), 261(a)(2), 261, 647(b), Redlands, Fontana, Rancho Cucamonga, Yucaipa, Rialto, Colton, Riverside, San Bernardino, Victorville, Moreno Valley, Beaumont, Hesperia, Adelanto, Apple Valley, Chino, Ontario, Upland, Joshua Tree, Sentence, punishment, penalty, jail, prison, PC290(b), minor, unlawful sexual battery

'You never get a second chance to choose the right lawyer, 

...the first time.'


PC 288(a), Felony, lewd and lascivious acts on a minor under 14, sexual battery, indecent exposure, annoy or molest a minor, rape, unlawful sexual intercourse, statutory rape, lewd acts in public, pc, penal code, 311.1, 647.6, pc288, 261, 261(a)(2), 314, 243.4, prison, jail, sex offender registration, probation violation, ca, california, pc290, terminate sex offender registration, pc290(c), 667.5, 1192.7, serious, violent, expungement

Experience Matters

Attorney Dorado is a successful trial attorney who has represented hundreds of sex crimes defendants in the Inland Empire since 2009. He has collected trial victories against the toughest of the sex crimes allegations, including trial victories in sex crimes cases that would have resulted in life in prison for the defendant.


In addition, Attorney Dorado has trained other attorneys in the discipline of sex crimes criminal defense and procedure over the last decade, and he has written extensively on California criminal law and procedure.


Attorney Dorado is licensed to practice in all California state courts and in the Central District of California Federal Court. He is a member of The National Trial Lawyers Top 100 in his field (2022), a "Best-Overall" Trial Advocate (CSLS 2007), and he has earned many top-rated five-star reviews on Google, Avvo, Yelp, and other lawyer review sites.


lewd and lascivious acts on a minor, pc288, pc288.5(a), continuous sexual abuse of a minor, sexual battery, indecent exposure, sexual battery, annoy or molest a minor, penal code, 647.6, 311.1, possession of child pornography, statutory rape, rialto, fontana, redlands, ontario, victorville, rancho cucamonga, san bernardino, riverside, moreno valley, beaumont, banning, ca, california, prison, incarceration, sex offender registration, pc290, certificate of rehabilitation, criminal defense lawyers, attorney, law firm, legal, punishment, misdemeanor, felony, prison, probation, violation, penalty

Results Matter

Sex crimes criminal defense attorney Dorado has successfully defended against allegations of sex crimes that were supported by the defendant’s confession, multiple witnesses to the alleged offense, adverse scientific evidence, adverse medical and psychological experts, adverse corroborating evidence, and more.


His successes include pre-filing litigation matters with law enforcement (no criminal filings), multiple trial victories, hundreds of negotiated pleas, post-conviction relief victories (expungement, certificate of rehabilitation, violation of probation), and more.


indecent exposure, sex crimes, criminal defense, attorney, lawyers, law firm, legal, lewd and lascivious acts upon a minor, pc288, 288.5, 243.4, 243.4(e)(1), 314.1, statutory rape, unlawful sexual intercourse, 261.5(c), annoy or molest a minor, 647.6(a), possession of child pornography, fontana, redlands, colton, rancho cucamonga, ontario, victorville, chino, riverside, eastvale, moreno valley, inland empire, ca, california, penal code, punishment, penalty, sentence, jail, prison, sex offender registration, pc290, terminate sex offender registration, redlands, yucaipa, banning, beaumont, loma linda, sex crimes, pc 287, oral copulation, sexual penetration, pc289, sodomy, 286, incest, pc285, rape, 261, pimping, soliciting prostitution, pc647(b), pc209, expungement, pc311.11(c)(2)

Time Matters

Time is not on your side in a sex crimes case. As soon as you realize you are a person of interest in any criminal case, you should contact a criminal defense lawyer without delay. A sex crimes criminal defense attorney should have as much time as possible to prepare for bail issues, possible demurrers, pre-filing litigation issues, and to prevent any violation of your rights.


You should not make any statement anyone other than a criminal defense lawyer who is helping you with your case; this include not making any statement to law enforcement, the alleged victim, a religious leader, a therapist, a doctor, a mediator, a family member, or even a close friend.


PC 288(b) Lewd Act Upon a Child Under Fourteen by Force (14), Criminal Defense Attorneys, CA

 California Sex Crimes

  • PC288(a)-F Lewd & Lascivious Act on Minor Under 14 (Felony Child Molestation)


  • PC243.4 Sexual Battery


  • PC288(B)(1)-F Lewd & Lascivious Act on a Minor Under 14 by Force or Fear (Felony Child Molestation)


  • PC288(C)(1) Lewd & Lascivious Act on a Minor 14 or 15 Years of Age


  • PC311.11(C) Possession of Obscene Matter Depicting a Minor (Possession of Child Pornography)


  • PC314.1-M Indecent Exposure


  • PC261.5(C) Unlawful Sexual Intercourse (Misdemeanor Statutory Rape)


  • PC647.6(a)(1)-M Annoy or Molest a Minor (Misdemeanor Child Molestation)


  • PC261(a)(3)-F Rape of an Intoxicated Person


  • PC209(b)(1)-F Kidnapping to Commit a Sex Offense


  • PC290(b) Failure to Register as a Sex Offender (Also PC290.001 - PC290.01(c))


  • PC647(b)(2)-M Soliciting Prostitution


  • PC287(b)(1) Oral Copulation Upon a Minor


  • PC286(c)(2)(A)-F Sodomy by Force or Fear of Injury


  • PC289(a)(2)-F Sexual Penetration by Object by Force


  • PC288.2 Send Harmful Matter to a Child to Seduce


  • PC288.5(a)-F Continuous Sexual Abuse of a Minor Under 14 Years of Age (Child Molestation)


  • PC288.4-F Arrange a Meeting with a Minor to Commit a Lewd Act


  • PC261(a)(2)-F Rape by Force or Fear


  • PC647(j)(4)-M Distribute Nude Images with Intent to Humiliate (Revenge Porn)


  • PC262(a)(1)-F Spousal Rape by Force or Fear


PC 288(a) Lewd Act Upon a Child Under Fourteen (14), Criminal Defense Attorneys, CA


Past legal results don't guarantee results in your case. No guarantee as to outcome of any legal matter. Content is for information purposes only and no attorney-client relationship is created by its use. Portions Copyright 2023 Updated 2025 Author Christopher Dorado, Esq.


Sex Crimes Criminal Defense Lawyer

Redlands, Fontana, Rialto, San Bernardino, Rancho Cucamonga, Yucaipa, Ontario, Victorville, Riverside, Los Angeles County, Orange County, Banning, Hesperia, Moreno Valley, Eastvale, Chino, Highland, Beaumont, Adelanto, Upland, Colton, & More.​


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